Everything You Need To Know About Mullein Extract

You may have heard of mullein, but what can mullein extract do for you? Mullein is a common plant that is traditionally used for treating respiratory ailments, however it can also be used to treat earaches and other physical symptoms. The mullein flower (also known as Verbascum thapsus) is native to Europe and Asia and it has over 200 different species, it was naturalized to North America and it was then used medicinally. The most common medicinal forms of mullein extract are mullein tea, mullein root tincture and mullein drops.

Mullein Leaf Extract

Mullein leaf extract supports healthy lungs and any respiratory system function. Mullein in plant form purifies air and commonly the mullein extract is used for purifying and detoxing lungs. Mullein leaf extract is commonly found in teas and other health products, allowing for easier breathing and anti-inflammatory benefits.

Mullein Supplement

Though mullein can be purchased as a tea or an oil, you can also purchase mullein supplements too. These usually have 330mg of mullein per capsule and promote respiratory function, bronchial health and immune function. These can also be taken as dietary supplements too. If you don’t like drinking teas, mullein supplements can be the perfect way to incorporate mullein into your daily routines, or you can use the supplement whenever you have a common cold or experience any respiratory symptoms. 

Mullein Drops

It is well known that mullein can be used to cure or relieve pain from earaches and ear infections, the best way to treat these is to use mullein drops. Mullein drops can be made at home by creating your own mullein leaf oil, or they can also be found easily online. Mullein drops bought online often contain pure mullein flower extract and are used by dropping the liquid into ears whilst laying on your side. Often, people combine mullein drops with garlic for extra antibacterial qualities.

Nature’s Answer Mullein Leaf Extract

Nature’s Answer Mullein Leaf Extract uses 2000mg mullein leaves per serving to ensure there is pure extract within the bottle. The mullein extract comes in a 30ml bottle and the serving size is 2ml. The suggested usage for the Nature’s Answer brand is 1-2ml three times a day in a small amount of water as a dietary supplement. Always remember to shake the bottle well before using. As an alternative to Nature’s Answer Mullein Leaf Extract consider the range of high-quality mullein leaf products available from us at mulleinleaf.com.

Mullein Root Tincture

Mullein tincture can help with spastic bladder issues (which can be a symptom of MS) and  pelivic floor related incontinence issues too. The root tincture is beneficial in general for all types of bladder issues too due to the anti-inflammatory properties. It’s even said that mullein root tincture can help structural issues, such as back pain. If you suffer from back pain as a result of over-exertion or strain, tincture of the mullein root or stalk can be very beneficial as a pain relief method.

Common Questions

Is Mullein Good For The Lungs?

One of mullein’s most common uses is for treating respiratory and lung ailments, such as the common cold and asthma. The mullein flower is known to reduce inflammation and can sooth the respiratory tract, allowing the user to breathe easier. Mullein is also able to drain mucus and membranes, which is good for when there is a mucus build up in the lungs.  This can help soothe any symptoms and give relief to anyone suffering with a respiratory illness. Mullein tea is often used for lung conditions; the user should drink the tea hot for relief from symptoms. You can also use mullein extract or supplements to combat any lung issues. 

What Are The Side Effects Of Mullein?

There are no major side effects reported from the use of mullein, however always contact your medical provider if you have any issues or are worried about taking new medicines. In minor cases some report dermatitis or irritation from mullein usage, usually from the little hairs on the leaves of the plant. These can especially cause irritation if you home brew the tea – so always be careful to strain the mullein before consumption and make sure to thoroughly wash hands after handling the plant. There is no research into the effect of mullein on pregnant or breastfeeding women, so make sure to contact a medical provider before ingesting. 

Can You Take Mullein Extract Everyday?

There’s not currently clinical evidence for suggested mullein dosages, most users report taking mullein as and when symptoms arise. For example, when taking mullein drops for ears users are recommended to apply the drops every 30 minutes to an hour when pain persists. For mullein tea users are recommended one to three cups a day, as and when symptoms are worse. If you are unsure on how much you should take mullein, or if it can react with any current medications talk to a physician or healthcare provider. Always check the bottle of mullein extract for any instructions or recommended dosage. 

How Is Mullein Used?


Mullein is commonly used to cure any respiratory ailments or earaches, however it’s uses go beyond these. Mullein can be applied topically to help with any inflammation, bruises or rashes – using leaves or mullein oil. Mullein can also be used for skincare benefits, such as softness, where users applied the leaves to their face as part of a skincare routine. Mullein tea is also consumed to counter stress or anxiety, this is particularly common as a nighttime drink before bed so that the user can sleep better. Mullein can even be used to fight viral infections, due to mullein’s antiviral properties. 

Skin Benefits

Mullein has anti-inflammatory properties, these properties can help skin conditions as well as respiratory issues. Oil is the best form to use mullein in when treating topical skin issues. The mullein flower is said to heal wounds, blisters and small cuts. Oil made from the mullein flower or mullein leaves can be applied to affected areas (e.g eczema) to help soothe irritation. Some also recommend applying the mullein leaf directly to sores and wounds. Users suggest that mullein treatment can have a soothing effect on any skin issues. 

Mullein Tea Lung Detox

Mullein tea can be very helpful to anyone suffering from a lung condition. A lung detox can be undertaken when a user drinks mullein tea, mullein’s mucus draining properties can help the user relieve symptoms and breathe easier. Mullein helps the lungs purge themselves of phlegm and mucus, clearing the system of any pollutants, toxins or foreign matter and allowing health replacements. Mullein has natural mucilage which soothes, coats and protects the respiratory system from the lungs to the mouth. The anti-inflammatory properties of mullein reduce any inflammation of the respiratory tract and allow users to feel soothed. 

Tea Benefits

Benefits of mullein tea are numerous. Mullein can treat a range of different ailments and can provide soothing and calming feelings to users too. It provides clearer lungs and allows for easier breathing too. Mullein tea is also easy to buy or make, so it is not hard to get hold of. Mullein is also good for increasing lung circulation and nourishing the lungs with essential vitamins and minerals. 

Leaf Benefits

Mullein leaves have many benefits, they can be used for making mullein oil, mullein tea or can be ground into mullein powder. They are great for treating earaches and infections, they have antibacterial properties and also anti-inflammatory properties. Mullein leaves can also help with digestive health, as they can also clear the mucus layer of the small intestine. Too much mucus in the digestive system can stop nutrient absorption and compromise the body’s ability to deliver nutrients to the bloodstream. 

Root Benefits

Mullein root has mild astringent properties which can reduce inflammation in the mucosa of the bladder – without irritating or over stimulating the bladder. The root tincture can also be used as a tonic for individuals that suffer from urinary incontinence, interstitial cystitis, bladder infections or benign prostatic hypertrophy. Mullein root tincture is also used to treat Bell’s Palsy and cases of facial nervous pain. The root’s anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic benefits are good for any muscle or back spasms. 


Mullein is often credited for its ability to relieve symptoms of COPD symptoms, this is because mullein leaves have the ability to drain mucus from the lungs. The COPD symptoms of shortness of breath and coughing can be soothed with regular consumption of mullein tea. Mullein tea is good for relieving symptoms of COPD, but always check with your medical provider before consuming and make sure it can be used with any other medications. Mullein extract is often recommended as an extra home remedy to soothe COPD, along with other treatments. 

Tea Reviews

Users report mullein tea as beneficial for relieving symptoms and general health. Many use mullein tea as a home remedy for common colds, but some users swear by mullein leaf tea as a daily antidote for general ailments. Some prefer to brew the tea at home, with mullein grown by the user, however some might find this difficult. Teas can also be bought online and as long as the tea contains pure mullein extract it will have the same benefits. Reviews for mullein tea are generally positive, however not every user’s symptoms and dosage will be different. The best way to see if mullein tea works for you is to try it in a small dose first or contact a healthcare provider to see if this is the appropriate home remedy for you.